You know that you should go to your physician for an annual checkup to make sure your body is in good working order. You may not realize that you should see your eye doctor regularly for the same reason. Your eyes are a part of your body that should not be overlooked. Most people rely on their vision heavily during every waking moment of their lives. From the age of three years old, everyone should visit an eye doctor for an exam at least every two years.
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Many people have regular eye exams as children and adulthood and know what to expect. However, as you grow older, your optometrist may recommend that your routine eye exam include eye dilation. During an eye exam with dilation, your eye doctor will administer special drops that dilate the pupils of the eyes. When your pupils are fully dilated, your eye doctor will have a better view of inside your eyes, and it will be easier to identify eye problems or diseases that may not have symptoms.
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Cataract surgery usually goes off without a hitch. However, before you go in for cataract surgery, you need to make sure that you know the warning signs to watch out for. If you experience any of these warning signs after surgery, be sure to get help right away.
#1 Loss of Vision
After you have surgery on your eyes, it is natural for you not to be able to see like you did before.
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It's a common enough thing for people to go through: you're minding your own business when you suddenly sense something irritating on your eye. Whether it's as simple as an eyelash or a foreign bit of debris from somewhere else, nothing should be on the surface of your eye. How you react to this problem can either hurt or protect your vision, so follow these steps.
Never Touch the Surface of the Eye
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If you struggle with nearsightedness, it usually means that you will have to wear glasses every day of your life just to be able to see well enough. Thankfully, lasik surgery is one of the most effective ways to treat nearsightedness, and this usually proves to be a successful procedure. However, the successful outcome of laser eye surgery also depends on certain aspects of the process and your actions after surgery.
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