What Services Do Ophthalmologists Prescribe?

Ophthalmologists are highly trained eye doctors who can offer a variety of services. They can diagnose, prevent, and treat eye diseases using a number of tests and techniques. Here are four eye care services provided by an ophthalmologist:

1. Eye Health Screening

Eye health is vitally important. When eye health is not properly monitored, a person can develop diseases that may compromise their vision. Diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions can make a person more likely to develop eye diseases. An ophthalmologist can screen you for harmful eye conditions as part of your annual eye exam. They will use a combination of visual examinations and machine testing to ensure your eyes are healthy.

2. Visual Acuity Testing

Visual acuity is the measure of how well you're able to see. Eyesight is an important physical sense, but it can change throughout your life. Some people develop myopia or hyperopia due to their genetics. It's also common for a person's eyesight to degrade as they get older. Visual acuity tests allow your eye doctor to test your vision so they can write the necessary prescriptions for glasses or contacts.

This type of testing is performed using an eye chart in your ophthalmologist's office. You'll be instructed to read numbers and letters from the chart without wearing glasses or contacts. If you cannot see all the chart rows clearly, your eye doctor will place various lenses in front of your eyes. You will report whether a given lens makes your vision blurrier or clearer. Through a process of elimination, your eye doctor will find the lens that best enhances your vision.

3. Medication And Vision Aid Prescriptions

Ophthalmologists can write prescriptions for patients. Antibiotics and antifungal drugs can clear up eye infections. Medicated eye drops can treat conditions like chronic dry eyes and allergies. Your ophthalmologist can also write you a prescription for glasses and contact lenses. These vision aids can correct your eyesight, allowing you to see clearly so you can safely perform your daily tasks.

4. Eye Surgery

Some eye problems can only be corrected with surgery. Surgery is necessary to remove cataracts, which will not go away on their own. Sometimes surgery is the best solution to glaucoma as well. An ophthalmologist can perform surgical procedures for patients. They can even offer elective surgeries for vision correction. Laser eye surgery can improve a person's vision, so they no longer need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Contact an ophthalmology clinic for more information. 
